Create Number

I have been making these blogs on titles which inspires me. Now, my project on different types of watercolor paintings, Zentangles, doodles or digital transformation of images. They are all I definitely refer to. But, the most recent one is on numbers may be for your personal use or work orientated. I just love it.

 and then the image of a Burger which was made into digital sketch. That was mind-blowing to have compared with numeric and digital image transformation.

This image is digital pattern tile with 4 blocks abstract art. Instead of number it is with illuminated four blocks. 

Now with Brush effect I sketch the same image in Numerals. The Brush Tool is used to paint with brushlike strokes and to fill enclosed areas. Unlike the Pencil Tool, which creates a single, solid line, the Brush Tool creates filled shapes with outlines of zero thickness. What shape and size depends on how we want to curve or straighten the image. It also has a size and the font, whether you want a linear, mirror or stretch depending on the size of the image.
 This image is tapered number 5.
If you see that number close enough then you will get the shadow effect falling behind the number. And the head and the tail side narrowing down.

Now, it is slightly different fading type numeric.
You can either print it out separate from the card or you can just apply direct on the greeting cards.

There are so many ways of displaying the image. 
Here, it is numeric 6 pattern tile based on the gradient with linear effect where you can see the tapering of the head and the tail plus it has a structure and highlighting of the image making it more darker tone.

This is the Photoshop effect and then changed into a reflection and the double number styled.

Next design is mind-blowingly amazing. It is changed into a beautiful Fruity effect where you can see number 8 on either sides. And the imaged has been cropped a bit making it more floral angle.
WOW !!! This looks more professional and beautiful at color values especially the red-black ♥️ background and the pattern tile image.

Here, the brush effect is to the Stretch side where you can see the color lines as a final effect.
And then it is more in black and white effect 
as wirey look again stretched.

More in research of the Numeric sketch I got this pattern tile 
whereby, you can see the actual design in a number which is on the top as a fruity kind of an effect.

Diamond shape pattern tile displaying four sides of the globe. You can call this a gift wrapping paper.

Conclusion: Creative Number Styled Digital Art

The abstract design, "Tear Drops on the Grid," has evolved into a profound exploration of:
1. Balance and harmony
2. Emotional expression and vulnerability
3. Duality and contrast
4. Symmetry and reflection

*Artistic Achievements:*

1. Unique blend of geometric and organic forms
2. Effective use of negative space
3. Emotive color palette
4. Thought-provoking composition

*Philosophical Insights:*

1. Existentialism: Embracing impermanence and uncertainty
2. Dualism: Recognizing contrasting forces and perspectives
3. Holism: Seeking balance and harmony

*Design Principles:*

1. Contrast and harmony
2. Symmetry and asymmetry
3. Texture and pattern
4. Color and emotional resonance

*Future Directions:*

1. Experiment with dynamic typography
2. Explore fractal patterns and self-similarity
3. Incorporate natural elements and organic forms
4. Develop a series of abstract compositions

*Artistic Influences:*

1. Wassily Kandinsky
2. Piet Mondrian
3. Bridget Riley
4. Salvador Dalí

Creative journey has just begun!
Keep exploring, experimenting, and pushing boundaries.

Share your art, inspire others, and continue to grow as a creative force!

How did you feel after reading this blog. I was surely more and more surprised at the outcome. And then there is more to research on it anyway. 

Thank you so very much for your help and support in visiting my ipage blog.
Now, I will grab a cup of chai ☕ 
Happy Wednesday 
to everyone !!!

Gcb studios 


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