Watercolor media class

.       Created with Sketch. 

Close-up of Naomi, a young woman with a bright smile. 

Naomi, a passionate writer and blogger. 

Naomi sitting at her desk, laptop open. I’m ready to take my blog to the next level. 

Zoom in on the laptop screen, displaying the i Page website. 

Mrs. Hetch says: Naomi discovers i Page, the affordable and beginner-friendly hosting service. 

Naomi says: signing up for an i Page account. This is so easy! 

Wide shot of Naomi’s blog, now hosted on i Page. 

Naomi’s blog, now powered by i Page. Close-up of Naomi, eyes wide with excitement. 

Mrs. Hetch was so excited to share my stories with the world! 

Mrs. Hetch Discusses Naomi’s Graphic Designs 

“Graphic designs - color splash” 

(Classroom setting, Mrs. Hetch stands at the front with a big smile, holding a colorful portfolio. Students are seated at their desks, looking curious.) 

Mrs. Hetch: 

“Alright class, today we’re diving into the world of graphic design! I have a special project to showcase!” 

(Close-up of the portfolio as Mrs. Hetch opens it, revealing vibrant designs. A student, Jaline, leans forward excitedly.) 


“Whoa! What’s that? It looks amazing!” 

Mrs. Hetch: 

“This is Naomi’s graphic design project. Check out her creativity!” 

(A montage of Naomi’s designs fills the background—posters, logos, and illustrations. Mrs. Hetch gestures to a poster with a bold, colorful design.) 

Mrs. Hetch: 

“Naomi captured the essence of our town’s festival beautifully! Look at how the colors pop. 

(Students murmuring among themselves, impressed. A girl, Sammie, raises her hand.) 

Sammie: “What inspired her to create such awesome designs?” 

Mrs. Hetch (smiling): “Great question, Sammie! Naomi drew inspiration from our local culture and nature. 

(A thought bubble appears above Mrs. Hetch’s head, showing an image of Naomi sketching in a park with flowers and the festival in the background.) 

Mrs. Hetch: “She spent hours sketching in the park, connecting with her surroundings. 

(Students looking inspired, taking notes. A boy, Bena, leans over to Sammie.) 

Bena: “I need to step up my designs! Naomi’s work is next level!” 

Sammie (nodding): “Definitely! We should all be inspired by her creativity! 

(Mrs. Hetch wrapping up, her hands on her hips, beaming with pride.) 

Mrs. Hetch: “Remember, everyone, design is about expressing who you are. Let Naomi’s work ignite your imagination!” 

(Students chatting excitedly, hinting at ideas for their designs. Each student shows enthusiasm and creativity) 

“And thus, Naomi’s designs inspired a wave of creativity throughout the class!” 

 Graphic designers are visual communicators who create concepts using specialized graphic design software. They communicate ideas to inspire, inform, or captivate consumers through both physical and virtual art forms that include images, words, or graphics.  (Handling orders for garments (T-shirts), mugs, notebooks, tote bags, flyers, invitation cards and banners. Keep up with the customer details.)  I specialize in creating elegant and appealing patterns images and Zen tangles. As a Graphic designer I specialize in Brand design, T-shirts, Book covers, Posters, Brochures, Wall papers, Comic strips, Stickers, E book covers, Brochures, Food packaging and Magazines. 

I think with Inspiration is a huge part of graphic design. You need to have a great idea to start with, an aesthetic to draw inspiration from, and the motivation to get the job done. I believe i can communicate through my creativity designs and paintings. 

 “If you're interested in connecting with me, send me a message below!" 

I having a busy life being married and with the family.  I am good cook and love seeking new recipes from the Cookery books.  I also have an interest in Painting. I have recently developed a I love learning new mediums that I have never done before, such as photography, sculpture, ceramics, digital media, modern and contemporary art. My specialty right now is drawing and painting. The mediums, I like to use when I create my works are Watercolor, Acrylic, Graphic pencil drawing, Digital drawing, and Sketching.   

Naomi jumps up with excitement “Welcome to my visual realm, where creativity meets innovation and artistry meets technology.” 

As a passionate graphic designer, I invite you to explore my vibrant world of colors, shapes, and textures. With each design, I strive to tell a story, evoke emotions, and spark imagination. 

In this collection, you’ll discover a fusion of traditional artistry and modern digital techniques, blending bold ideas with meticulous attention to detail. From conceptual sketches to polished final pieces, every design is a reflection of my dedication to pushing the boundaries of visual communication. 

Join me on this journey through the intersection of art and design, where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless.” 

This introduction sets the tone for your graphic design art work, highlighting your passion, creativity, and attention to detail. 

Close-up on a paintbrush swirling with vibrant colors. In the ethereal realm of the mystical art world. 

Wider shot of an artist’s studio, imbued with an otherworldly glow. Where the boundaries between imagination and reality blurred. 

Medium shot of a young artist, eyes closed in concentration, surrounded by swirling paint strokes. 

Mrs Hecht says: “The canvas is my portal…a gateway to a world beyond.” 

Showcase: Close-up of the artist’s hand as the paintbrush dances across the canvas. 

Effect is Paint swirls and transforms into vibrant creatures. Full-page spread of the completed artwork, depicting a fantastical landscape of swirling colors and ethereal beings. 

The mystical art world came to life before their very eyes. 

Medium shot of the artist and onlookers, faces filled with awe and wonder. 

Sammie and Bena were ready with their canvas. 

Smitali (artist): “This art is not just paint…it is a testament to the boundless power of imagination.” 

Distant shot of the art world fading away into a misty haze. And as the visions faded, the mystical art world remained etched in their hearts forever. 

In Naomi’s fresh watercolor project was getting ready. 

 I was so eager to show the Repeat pattern of Floral glow 

So I made a beautiful reorganize pattern tile 

Reorganize pattern means the same Floral image with a different view and angle was taken. And the results are in front of everyone. 

 Then the Horizontally reorganized pattern was made. It was so exciting to see that I got a graphic designs banner too.

This was the brand of Floral glow. And the idea felt like it should be showcased in a museum or in art gallery. 
Yeah! Go girls.

Someday it will happen 🤞🏻 keeping my fingers crossed.

So, with this comes to the end of yet another project called Watercolor technique of Floral glow digital.

Thank you for your time and support in visiting my ipage blog. Next, is the Typography project. 

Have a wonderful day!

Gcb studios 


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